Jan 29, 2009
Due to mother nature I will be away for a few more days.
Lots of love to you all
Stay Warm!
Jan 23, 2009
A few days ago I got tagged by The Loss Adjuster and Cecilia
Well loves here they are 10 honest and honestly random things about me, and as always they are in no particular order. 1. There is an Ex that I haven't gotten to yet, and you know the type its the BIG EX the one that would have taken your life down one road but you choose to go down the other. For better or worse you took the road less traveled. 2. I have a strange overwhelming fear of all kinds of things, some reasonable some not. 3. I have an unhealthy obsession with abc soaps. 4. My relationship with my family is so broken I don't know if it can ever be fixed. 5. I think that every stable person should trip at least once in their life, I think it would change the way we look at the world. (but that's just my opinion so don't go out and do it and have a bad trip and blame it on me). 6. I could sit and stare out the window all day thinking about nothing. 8. I think that people swear to much, I do it from time to time but only when the situation really call for it, other than that I am swear word free. 9. I spend so much of my time pretending to be happy that some times I cant tell if I'm genuinely or just that good at pretending. 10. I think I might be a hypochondriac. (which in and of itself probably makes me one).
I will be tagging
1. Shadowrock
2. Melange
3. Leigh
Labels: Random Things, Tagged
Jan 19, 2009
Hey there loves,
I know that I have been tagged not once but twice (I must be loved) in the Random Things game but, I am a little busy these next few days and I don't just want to rush through them, I want them to be awesomely random so, stay tuned they will be coming later on this week.
Have a Great MLK day and take a little time today love your fellow man.
And as for tomorrow I am already doing my happy dance!!!!!
Jan 15, 2009
Oh My Freaking Gosh is that what I think it is.... (a very loud very long inner scream follows, inner because the last thing I want to do right now is draw attention to myself) yup I think it is, its a hair. A hair? But that cant be hairs don't grow there... no... no... NO..NO..NO.. maybe it was a shadow... look again, (looking again only this time squinting in hopes that, that helps what I saw not actually be there) Nope its really there. Its official.
What I don't understand is how can this be, I'm only in my twenties, nobody told me this could happen to you in your twenties. In all the books that I have read about being a fabulous girl in your twenties not one pointed out the fact that one day I would be looking in a mirror a see a hair in an a place that for twenty-some old years has been hair free. This is just too much.
I think I may go back to bed....
Jan 13, 2009
Hey there loves,
its been a while much to long if you ask me, and well... I'm in charge here so I am. I feel super stressed as I'm sure many others are right now. I really feel like I'm walking a tight rope and the wind is starting to blow. But just as songs like "Stop the world and let me off" are going through my head, I come to Purge and find that I have been given an award.
So the super awesome super honest Needsleepy over at I Barely Survived Yesterday, has bestowed upon me, drum roll please dam da da dummm........
The Pink Lemonade Award!
It goes to your favorite bloggers and in turn they give it to there favs, so thanks Needsleepy!
I would be happy to pass this award on to the following to bloggers, and of course as always in no particular order.
1. Roxie
2. Emaura15
4. Michael
5. Ellabee
Labels: Awards
Jan 9, 2009
I have been so busy lately I have hardly had time to think but things will be back to normal very soon, and I will be back on track!
Labels: Life
Jan 5, 2009
What is it that you want out of he year ahead?
Labels: Questions